- 7/10/2003, Vermont, US- Ryan Patrick Halligan, remaja 13 tahun, menjadi mangsa buli rakan2 sebaya di alam realiti & juga melalui internet
- rakan2 nya menyebarkan fitnah menyatakan Ryan adalah seorang lelaki 'gay'. Fitnah memalukan itu disebarkan melalui mesej segera (instant messaging)
- selain itu, seorang rakan perempuannya juga mengaibkannya dengan berpura-pura menyukai Ryan tetapi sebenarnya hanya mahu mendapatkan maklumat peribadi Ryan sahaja melalui laman sembang/instant messaging di internet. itu adalah bertujuan untuk menyebarkannya di instant messaging rakan-rakan lain & juga di sekolah.
- Ryan berjumpa dgn perempuan tersebut dan memberitahu,"It's girls like you who make me want to kill myself".
- Ryan akhirnya membunuh diri di bilik air rumahnya
- kesan daripada kematian tersebut; 7 bulan selepas kematiannya, wujud "Vermont's Bully Prevention Law, Act 117.
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Kematian Ryan Halligan
Mengumpan Mangsa Yang Lalai.
SERING kita digemparkan dengan kes-kes jenayah siber membabitkan penggodam profesional yang menceroboh laman-laman web kerajaan dan bank-bank bertaraf antarabangsa.
Perbuatan itu mengakibatkan kerugian dan kerosakan, termasuk pindahan wang bernilai jutaan ringgit. Akhirnya, kes-kes berkenaan dilupakan begitu sahaja.
Kes sedemikian seakan-akan tiada kesan jangka panjang kepada sesiapa pun, sedangkan masyarakat seharusnya berasa bimbang. Semua itu boleh bermula dengan pembabitan akaun e-mel peribadi yang sering dilihat sebagai tidak mempunyai nilai.
Jarang kita mendengar laporan mengenai kecurian maklumat peribadi disiarkan media cetak dan elektronik. Isu ini mungkin kecil tetapi kesannya kepada individu amat besar kerana kecurian maklumat peribadi yang dimanipulasi ibarat kecurian maruah yang tidak dapat dikembalikan.
"Akaun peribadi kawan saya diceroboh seseorang dan ia digunakan untuk menghantar e-mel berbentuk lucah kepada teman-teman, rakan sekerja, klien-klien dan majikan kawan saya.
"Kesannya, kawan saya dibuang kerja kerana dituduh sebagai individu tidak beretika dan memalukan organisasi tempatnya bekerja," ujar Ketua Perunding Pengurusan Perkhidmatan dan Perundingan, HeiTech Managed Services, Kavitha Muthy yang turut menerima e-mel lucah tersebut.
Menurut Kavitha, penggodam tidak semestinya di kalangan mereka yang profesional dan mempunyai pengetahuan teknikal dalam teknologi maklumat. Sesiapa sahaja boleh menjadi penggodam demi melaksanakan niat jahatnya apabila terdesak.
"Hari ini, seorang kanak-kanak juga boleh menjadi penggodam kerana ia sangat mudah dilakukan. Tambahan pula, maklumat mengenai teknik menggodam begitu mudah didapati di Internet.
"Masyarakat juga perlu tahu, jenayah siber bukan sahaja membabitkan penggodaman komputer, tetapi ia hadir dalam banyak bentuk iaitu penipuan, pencurian identiti, spam, phishing,pencurian data, spyware, malware dan sebagainya," katanya.
Jelas Kavitha, mangsa boleh terdiri daripada individu mahupun organisasi kecil dan besar. Jejak jenayah itu pula sukar dikesan malah rumit dihentikan setelah terjadi. Ia sekali gus memberikan impak negatif jangka panjang kepada mangsa.
"Penjenayah siber sering memilih laman web yang meniti populariti seperti laman web membeli belah, perbankan, serta laman-laman lain yang sering meminta data peribadi dan maklumat kewangan dengan tujuan menipu pengguna.
"Selain itu, dengan populariti diraih laman web Facebook dan Twitter, risiko untuk berlaku kecurian maklumat peribadi, gambar-gambar dan video amat tinggi apatah lagi penggunanya dilihat amat mudah mendedahkan maklumat masing-masing," katanya.
Etika siber
"Untuk mengelakkan diri menjadi mangsa, terlebih dahulu kita perlu faham apakah jenayah siber, dan bagaimana ia mampu memperdayakan kita.
"Dalam erti kata lain, seseorang itu mesti mempunyai etika siber kerana melaluinya, kita mampu meminimumkan kesannya dengan mengajar diri sendiri dan orang lain mengenai penggunaan Internet secara selamat dan bertanggungjawab," jelas Kavitha.
Menurut Kavitha, setiap pengguna Internet mesti melaksanakan etika siber yang baik termasuk memahami risiko perlakuan tidak bertanggungjawab dan mempelajari kaedah melindungi diri sendiri dan pengguna lain daripada terjebak.
"Kita sering melihat permasalahan akibat jenayah siber yang dilakukan individu tertentu yang paling kita percayai.
"Kepercayaan hanya boleh wujud melalui perkahwinan, politik, perniagaan dan persahabatan tetapi tidak melalui Internet. Pastikan sumber yang diperolehi disiasat dan disahkan sebelum kita memberi apa-apa maklumat," tegasnya.
Selain itu katanya, pengguna juga perlu melabur untuk membeli program antivirus yang baik, mengemas kini kata laluan, belajar untuk membuat kata laluan yang selamat serta tidak mendedahkan maklumat peribadi kepada individu tidak dikenali serta meletakkan firewall.
"Pilihan perisian keselamatan terlalu banyak di pasaran tetapi itu tidak menghapuskan risiko digodam. Seperti produk-produk pengguna lain, perisian antivirus ada yang baik, sederhana dan kurang bagus.
"Pengguna mesti bijak memilih sesuatu produk daripada pelbagai penyedia program sama ada dikenali, kurang dikenali atau baru dalam pasaran mengikut keperluan masing-masing," katanya.
Tambahnya, program antivirus sahaja tidak cukup kerana pengguna mesti meletakkan keselamatan pada satu tahap lebih tinggi, iaitu dengan meletakkanfirewall, perlindungan identiti dan sebagainya.
"Keselamatan siber bermula dari rumah dan kesedaran itu mengikut kita ke mana-mana sahaja termasuk di tempat kerja. Ia adalah tanggungjawab setiap orang yang menyentuh papan kekunci," katanya.
Laporan kes
Menurut CyberSecurity Malaysia, sebanyak 4,000 kes jenayah siber dilaporkan di Malaysia sejak dua tahun lalu.
Pada 23 Februari lalu, ZDNet Asia pula melaporkan 75 peratus responden di rantau ini mengatakan sistem mereka diceroboh penjenayah siber pada tahun 2009.
Ia didahului oleh New Zealand dengan 100 peratus responden dimengaku diceroboh, diikuti Australia (82 peratus), Jepun (76 peratus), Hong Kong (75 peratus), Singapura (66 peratus) dan Malaysia (50 peratus), berdasarkan kes yang dilaporkan.
Dalam pada itu, maklumat terkini melalui MyCert.org.my, orang ramai diminta berwaspada dengan kemungkinan penggodam memuat turun dan memasang perisian yang tidak sah kepada sistem pengguna yang menggunakan Adobe Download Manager.
Ia dilakukan dengan menipu pengguna supaya mengikut tautan tertentu atau melawat laman web 'jahat'. Majoriti perisian Adobe Acrobat dan Adobe Reader terdedah kepada risiko berkenaan.
Statistik mengenai jenayah siber serta maklumat terkini berkaitan isu keselamatan siber boleh dilihat melalui laman webMyCert.org.my.
for more information~
Diambil dari:http://keganasansiber.blogspot.comAMBASSADOR OF 'AIM' IN SUPPORT OF IMNOTAFRAID2012
Known for antagonistic character in most of his movie and drama, this actor really portray the values of a great actor. Zahiril Adzim has made a huge impact in the industry and as well his role as a public figure.
As the ambassador of 'AIM'(Amnesty International Malaysia. ), a non-government organization which fight for human right, Zahiril has always wanting to educate people about love among human being, towards religion and nature. even if that person doesn't have any religion at all, but at least he possesses the feeling of love. thus it could reduce the hatred among human.
When we first approach Zahiril with the whole idea of this cyber bullying campaign, he spontaneously agreed to the ideas and eagerly wanting to be part of the process. As being an artist and as well the ambassador for AIM, he felt that it is his obligation to help and support the campaign.
Being one of the victim of cyber bullying, Zahiril always believe that ones privacy should not be invaded by all means. It is any human right to live freely and cyber bullying is surely against the call for it.
Wanting to get to know him more? below are his particulars and this is the link to his personal blog: http://zahiriladzim.blogspot.com/
Nama penuh: Mohd Zahiril Adzim
Nama komersial: Zahiril Adzim
Tarikh lahir: 23 Januari 1984
Tempat lahir: Taiping, Perak
Filem/Drama: Kami The Series,Seandainya Aku Siti,Senjakala,MerahPuteh
E-mel: bobbamario@hotmail.com
Known for antagonistic character in most of his movie and drama, this actor really portray the values of a great actor. Zahiril Adzim has made a huge impact in the industry and as well his role as a public figure.
As the ambassador of 'AIM'(Amnesty International Malaysia. ), a non-government organization which fight for human right, Zahiril has always wanting to educate people about love among human being, towards religion and nature. even if that person doesn't have any religion at all, but at least he possesses the feeling of love. thus it could reduce the hatred among human.
When we first approach Zahiril with the whole idea of this cyber bullying campaign, he spontaneously agreed to the ideas and eagerly wanting to be part of the process. As being an artist and as well the ambassador for AIM, he felt that it is his obligation to help and support the campaign.
Being one of the victim of cyber bullying, Zahiril always believe that ones privacy should not be invaded by all means. It is any human right to live freely and cyber bullying is surely against the call for it.
Wanting to get to know him more? below are his particulars and this is the link to his personal blog: http://zahiriladzim.blogspot.com/
Nama komersial: Zahiril Adzim
Tarikh lahir: 23 Januari 1984
Tempat lahir: Taiping, Perak
Filem/Drama: Kami The Series,Seandainya Aku Siti,Senjakala,MerahPuteh
E-mel: bobbamario@hotmail.com
This is Izran Edika bin Kamaruddin, shooting guard and forward for KL Dragons. To basketball enthusiasts supporting the most glamorous team in Malaysian Basketball (MABA), he is one of the players to keep an eye out to.
Apart from being skilled in the basketball court, he is also in full support of our campaign against cyberbullying.
Be seen. Be heard. Make a change.
Siapakah Ramli?
We're pretty sure that you guys have watched this Manchester United advertisement featuring Ramli, a Malay football player who makes it big at Old Trafford.
The big question is, siapakah Ramli?
To most people, he's just a model. To some, he's the first Malaysian to make it to Barclay's Premiere League (he's not a real player btw). But all of you might not know that he is actually......
A HUGE supporter for our campaign. Witness it for yourself, Ramli in the flesh.
He calls out for everyone to be seen, be heard and make a change.
Do your part in making a change! Who knows, good deeds might lead you to the UK as well ;)
Watch Ramli here with his PSA:
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Thursday, 10 May 2012
Monday, 7 May 2012
Malaysia and The Cyber-bullying Scenario.
researches show the cyber-bullying situation in Malaysia is rampant. For
instance 60 cases of cyber bullying were reported to CyberSecurity Malaysia as
of October 2007. Also in Singapore, 80 cases were reported last year to
WiredSafety which is an online safety and help group.
Union of the Teaching Profession secretary-general Lok Yim Pheng said emotional
and cyber-bullying should not be taken lightly even though they were relatively
new in Malaysia. “We must address it before it becomes serious. For example,
YouTube has been used as a tool to expose some students’ acts, which should be
regarded as serious.
I think the best way could be talking to the child about the places they visit online and the activities they are involved in. Teach them never to post anything that they wouldn’t want the whole world to read.
A safe
environment for Malaysian students!
The Safe Schools Program in Malaysia is going to prevent the occurrence of violence and abuse – especially bullying among students – in the learning environment through seminars and workshops in the schools. UNICEF is committed to addressing this, working in close collaboration with the Ministry of Education and HELP University College, because they want to make sure that children and teachers are properly equipped to address and prevent bullying.”But the question is that would it be sufficient for Malaysian students?
We know that the peer pressure in young people is unavoidable. Nowadays we can see a mobile phone in the hand of students even children and also the Internet for communication and entertainment is available for most of them. Therefore there would be a lot of communication tools for young people and the government task would be controlling the mind of them not their relationships. who can affect the mind of students? I think students mostly are affected by their teachers even more than their parents. Teachers are responsible to prevent them to be bulled and Malaysian government is better to support teachers to do such actions rather than investing in seminars and workshops.
Friday, 4 May 2012
Netiquette is a term derived from the words "Internet Etiquette” or “Network Etiquette" which describes the use of proper manners and behavior online. Internet Etiquette should be used in all areas of electronic means including email, chatting, blogging, forums, message boards, and so on.
It is important to treat others with dignity and respect both on and offline. Although the rules may vary depending on the specific forum used, the following Top 10 Netiquette guidelines will offer some basic Internet tips and suggestions to provide a pleasant and safe online experience.
Top 11 Netiquette Guidelines for a Safe Online Experience
- Use Computer Courtesy - Whether a person is sending an email, chatting in a chat room or speaking in a forum, it is important to be courteous and respectful of others online. Always remember the Golden Rule!
- Use Emoticons - When communicating online, it can be difficult to gauge a writer's emotion. Unless a web camera or microphone is used, the writer's expression or emotion is difficult to determine. By using emoticons, the writer's proper emotion will be conveyed to the reader.
- Be Brief Online - It is important to keep messages short, especially when writing an email or typing in a chat room. By using common chat abbreviations or acronyms, not only will the reader appreciate the brevity of the message, it will save the author valuable time typing the message. Remember, keep it short and be brief!
- DON’T SHOUT - No matter what forum, writing in all capital letters is considered SHOUTING and is considered very rude. A word or two in caps is fine, but shouting is not recommended.
- Pay Attention to Language Issues - Improper, inappropriate or bad language may get a participant kicked out or permanently banned from a forum or group. It is also important to remember people from other countries may be participating in the conversation and language barriers may be an issue.
- Think Before Posting - It is important to note, what is posted online today, may come back and haunt the writer tomorrow. That silly or fun photograph posted on a social networking site, may keep that person from getting a job later on. Many colleges and employers are now searching social networking sites prior to hiring.
- Keep Personal Information Private - Posting private and personal information in the wrong location can have serious consequences. Identity theft is a rapidly growing concern. Divulging too much information could give predators and those with bad intentions valuable information. Be careful where personal information is posted. If private information is posted in a group setting, read the guidelines prior to posting. Children should not post private information online
- Obey Copyright Laws - Obey copyright laws. Don’t steal!
- Help Internet Newbies - Be patient and helpful with others. Remember, everyone was a newbie once.
- Be Aware of Cyberbullying - Cyberbullying or electronic bullying continues to be an increasing problem. Parents should talk honestly and openly to children about the issues of electronic bullying. Studies suggest most children do NOT tell a trusted adult if they are a victim of electronic bullying. If targeted by a cyberbully, do not respond. Keep all ORIGINAL correspondence, with dates and times if possible. If the messages are of a threatening nature or safety is a concern, contact local law enforcement as soon as possible.
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Support From Local Artis.
This talented singer, Nor Rasfan Shah Rudin( Asfan) is the singer for the sound track of Nora Elena. Not only talented in his career in singing, Asfan is also a part time graphic designer.
The debut of Asfan in the industry started of by his single 'Terhenti Disini' which up hold the genre of modern rock. Having the ability of playing music instruments such as guitar, has made him in his own class.
Looking back into his singing career, he has join a few local singing competition, such as One In A Million and MyStarz LG. He manage to get through to the top 20 contestant for both of the program. Despite not being able to be the finalist, Asfan has proven himself worthy of the opportunity given by his fans.
Asfan is giving his support towards this campaign as he believe no one should be treated badly on the internet as no one is superior then others. Respect others equally without prejudice is what he is going for.
This talented singer, Nor Rasfan Shah Rudin( Asfan) is the singer for the sound track of Nora Elena. Not only talented in his career in singing, Asfan is also a part time graphic designer.
The debut of Asfan in the industry started of by his single 'Terhenti Disini' which up hold the genre of modern rock. Having the ability of playing music instruments such as guitar, has made him in his own class.
Looking back into his singing career, he has join a few local singing competition, such as One In A Million and MyStarz LG. He manage to get through to the top 20 contestant for both of the program. Despite not being able to be the finalist, Asfan has proven himself worthy of the opportunity given by his fans.
Asfan is giving his support towards this campaign as he believe no one should be treated badly on the internet as no one is superior then others. Respect others equally without prejudice is what he is going for.
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
The crews when out to reach the people of Ampang and promote the campaign. When down a lil'getho with this awesome graffiti.
Even the 'fahrenheit' to celsius were raising up in Kuala Lumpur, it doesnt stop the crews to invade the a newly landmark of the golden triangle.
Say no to replica, but yes to 'Publika' . The crowd here was all over food and support for ÍmNotAfraid2012'
Afraid Of Their Own Shadow
Back then, when my friends or anyone were to said about cyber bullying, there was no attention for me to take a real focus on the discussion. the only thing i know would be it was only a game of cyber. it is when u make fun of somebody else without thinking the bad possibilities. Yes, i do admit in a way it will make you laugh or at least give a sense of satisfaction towards others misery.
But as time change and because of digitization and the convergence of the media and technologies, internet could be a dangerous playground for anyone. Learning and understand the ethics when surfing the world wide web, could somehow avoid someone from making any mistakes that they would regret for their entire life.
But as time change and because of digitization and the convergence of the media and technologies, internet could be a dangerous playground for anyone. Learning and understand the ethics when surfing the world wide web, could somehow avoid someone from making any mistakes that they would regret for their entire life.
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Thursday, 19 April 2012
Monday, 16 April 2012
You know you love me, i know you care,
Just shout whenever, and i'll be there,
You are my love, you are my heart,
and we will never, ever, ever be a part....
This lyric was taken from a song made popular by Justin Bieber. By now, i know that almost everyone out there surely have sing to this song now and then. Lucky enough to be discovered by Usher through Youtube, Justin seem to be doing well in his career and also his love life.
Even with this whole pile of fame and glory, doesnt made any exclusion for Justin from cyber bullying. Who would ever thought that a celebrity as big as the beiber the believer are no immune to this new media bullying.
Justin Bieber reportedly is being victimized by some cyber bullies, according to Radar Online.
"Justin bieber is squirrel in a blender. He is gay."
This were some of the words use by someone that manage to hacked into the baby singer's Wikipedia page. This really show that anyone can be a victim. Whether you somebody or even plain no body you may also be vulnerable to cyber bullying.
Friday, 13 April 2012
Cyber Bullying Statistics
Courtesy of Dr Claudio Cerullo
Cyber bullying is a form of teen violence that can do lasting harm to young people. Statistics show that cyber bullying is a serious problem among adolescents and teens. By being more aware of cyber bullying, teens and adults can help to fight it.
Cyber bullying affects many adolescents and teens on a daily basis. Cyber bullying involves using technology, like cell phones and the Internet, to bully or harass another person.Cyber bullying can take many forms:
- Sending mean messages or threats to a person’s email account or cell phone
- Spreading rumors online or through texts
- Posting hurtful or threatening messages on social networking sites or web pages
- Stealing a person’s account information to break into their account and send damaging messages
- Pretending to be someone else online to hurt another person
- Taking unflattering pictures of a person and spreading them through cell phones or the Internet
- Sexting, or circulating sexually suggestive pictures or messages about a person
Cyber bullying can be very damaging to adolescents and teens. It can lead to anxiety, depression, and even suicide. Also, once things are circulated on the Internet, they may never disappear, resurfacing at later times to renew the pain of cyber bullying.
Many cyber bullies think that bullying others online is funny. Cyber bullies may not realize the consequences for themselves of cyber bullying. The things teens post online now may reflect badly on them later when they apply for college or a job. Cyber bullies can lose their cell phone or online accounts for cyber bullying. Also, cyber bullies and their parents may face legal charges for cyber bullying, and if the cyber bullying was sexual in nature or involved sexting, the results can include being registered as a sex offender. Teens may think that if they use a fake name they won’t get caught, but there are many ways to track some one who is cyber bullying.
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